Jason Hamren Photography

I needed a project for my new flash today, so I made Katie doll up for these shots. I think she looks amazingly timeless!


3 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    wow! you get better with every post. keep it up. you are going to be a busy man because everyone is going to want a shot of their wife looking like this. in fact, that would be a perfect valentines gift... hint hint

  2. thanks bro! yeah I'd love to do some shots of jackie like this for sure. I'm sure some crazy awesome makeup and an incredible hair style with her skills and we'd have a really really cool high fashion portrait of her!

  3. LissMee says:

    These are unbelievable dude... Kate looks amazing! (Not that she doesn't anyway, but like you said, these definitely bring out her timeless beauty)

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