I've decided that I need to help my husband out since he has been busy for the last little while. A wife has got to do what a wife's gotta do :D. We did a fun shoot for a friend of mine in August. She wanted to take some fun pictures of her little boy who was 7 months old at the time. It was a lot of fun and he was such a doll. I just love his facial expressions in some of the pictures. He was more excited for the things around him versus the people trying to make him smile. What a fun age and what a cute little family!
Congratulations Dustin and Brianna! Thank you for letting us do your wedding we had some great times, didn't we :). Now we get to show the amazing pictures that we were able to capture on the day of. The weather was ridiculous on the 29th of April as some of you know, but the groom and especially the bride (since she didn't have long sleeves) were troopers.
It's been awhile again.... But I've got tons to blog about. First up, a wonderful family I photographed a few months ago. The kids were amazing and once I unveiled the bubble gun they were totally cooperative! Thank you "S" family for an awesome photo shoot and a good time.